Vapo monitors staff’s wellbeing at work during the pandemic

During the pandemic, energy company Vapo actively monitors the wellbeing of its employees in different work environments. Vapo has personnel in teleworking, offices, and production.
Corona Pulse Survey helped monitor staff’s wellbeing
The Corona Pulse Survey was conducted in six languages in April 2020. It demonstrated that Vapo’s staff feels that working is mostly pleasant even during the pandemic. The survey highlighted some anticipated development needs, for which Vapo launched action plans immediately.
Vapo’s Internal Communications Manager Satumaija Veckman stated that “As concerns about staff resilience began to rise, the pulse of well-being at work was briskly set in motion. A short survey quickly provided us with information on how we are doing and quickly drew conclusions on the necessary follow-up. The survey itself was a signal to our staff that they would be taken care of during these exceptional times.”